But they still face major issues because of the flat personality of Megumi Katou.

flat - Fan Service of Love and Pure heart Tomoya looks for others who can help him in the creation of the game. He decides he will create a game that gives people a wonderful experience that he felt. It is the story of an otaku, Tomoya Aki, interest in gathering visual novels and anime.

Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend Season 1 I won't recommend it if you are not into fanservice. This special episode provides romance with fanservice moments. Synonyms: Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata: Ai to Seishun no Service-kaiĪll the group members of the doujin circle plan to go outside and look for a suitable location for their project.If you are planning to watch this anime then make sure to follow its correct watch order. Here we are sharing the correct watch order of "Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata". How To Raise a Boring Girlfriend Watch Order Made under A-1 Pictures studios and produced by Aniplex, Dentsu, Fuji TV, Half H.P Studio, etc. The main genres of this anime series are Comedy, Romance, and Ecchi. Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend also known as how to raise a boring girlfriend, Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata, and Saenai Kanojo no Sodate-kata is based on the theme of school and harem.

In the end, you will come to how you can watch this anime in order.

How to raise a boring girlfriend is a Japanese anime series and in this post, we are going to talk about its watch order.